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Are you interested in changing the world? Do you view homelessness as an immense societal challenge that has yet to be solved? Join us as a Living Outside Chapter Head! 


As a Chapter Head, you will create and distribute bags, host events, fundraise, and make a difference in your community. The best part? We'll fund your first round! 


Learn more here and apply here


If our mission resonates with you, we encourage you to start a club at your school! This is a great opportunity for you to get your community involved and expand your reach. Additionally, this is a great way for you to get leadership experience. 


If you are interested, the first step is to reach out to a teacher at your school who might be interested in sponsoring your club. Once you have someone who is interested, reach out to the school club coordinator to officially begin meeting as a club. 


Then, it's time to advertise! The beauty of Living Outside is that there is no commitment necessary, so anyone can come whenever to help create a bag. Throughout the year, brainstorm fundraising opportunities to continue your amazing work, and certainly take advantage of any funds your school offers for club leaders.


We recommend meeting biweekly to build your bags. We envision using the club period to put together each bag, and then distribute the bags to the club participants to allow them to personally hand them out. We have found this to be the most rewarding part of our project.


If you have any questions at all, we are here for you every step of the way! Please contact us and keep us updated on the amazing work you're doing. 

Colorful care bags

Living Outside


Living Outside is fiscally sponsored by Hack+, a 501(c)(3) organization.

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We will be in touch!

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